Thursday, June 23, 2011


Ku lihat bulan itu
Ku lihat bintang itu
Ada sinar ada khabar
Mengapa malam ni

Ku rasa kelainan
Apa makna dan petanda
Ku di dalam gerhana
Secara tiba-tiba suatu malam indah
Aku jadi resah gundah
Rupanya Tuhan telah menghantar simpatiNya
Kepadaku hamba hina
Dan tanpa aku sedar tubuh dihembus angin bersuara
Keluh resah jadi serba tingkah

Aku bingas capai sejadah ku mencari pengampuanan Tuhan
Maka hati pun bersujud

Begini rupanya insafku Ku tutup kamus lama
Ku tinggal musim luka
Puja puji duniawi
Syukurlah Tuhan datang
Memanggil jiwa ini Bahagia bersamaNya

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

birds oh birds

There was once,many colorful birds..
Among those birds,there was three best friends(birds)...
They named as yellow,red,and blue...

Each of them have different characters....
Yellow can easily make friends....
Red is very strict and firm.....
Meanwhile blue always calm and peaceful mindset.....

All three of them have a desire...
Each of them have a village/territory whereby themselves as leader...

If we visit Yellow territory...
You will not feel yourself as stranger....
All residents and yourself feel like connected to each other...
One relationship that tide up all of them...
But there was something missing....
The rules not tide enough and there was no calmness@harmony......

Meanwhile when we visit Red territory....
InsyaALLAH we will feel security and there were no bully@people taking advantage of.....
InsyaALLAH we will enjoy fairness situations...
However, there was no friendliness or harmony exists....

For Blue territory,
We will feel calm and harmony when perform a visit there.....
However we would not feel any security and friendliness...

Each territory residents like to move around from one territory and another territory....
therefore,productivity and success level of each territory is very low.....
three of them sit together and discuss.....
Alhamdullillah, they came to an idea.....

They combine all three territory together...
They unite it and built a nation....
The nation have strict and firm rules,calm and harmony as well friendliness.....

You want to know who is the leader of this nation???
It is not red or yellow or blue...
Insists,they only act as assistants and advisory for the nation...
The Leader of The Nation is WHITE.....Why?????

Guess/Think deeply by yourself........

InsyaALLAH one nation, one Ummah, and one Vision "La illaha illaALLAH Muhammadun RasullALLAH" at the highest level and the focus ......

Happy Dakwah and smile always :-)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to write a personal Mission Statement ?

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement How to Write a Personal Mission Statement?

What is a Personal Mission Statement?

A personal mission statement can be defined as,

“A personal mission statement describes how you see yourself in the future. It describes your hopes and dreams and evokes a sense of achievement and fulfillment”.


“Personal mission statements are based on correct principles like a personal constitution, the basis for making major, life-directing decisions, the basis for making daily decisions in the midst of the circumstances and emotions that affect our lives”.


Stephen Covey refers to crafting a mission statement as

"Connecting with your own unique purpose and the profound satisfaction that comes in fulfilling it."

If you pick up the biography of any famous person, you will notice that the personality understood very clearly the focus of his life and crafted his path for success on the foundations of his values and morals.

Why Should I Have My Personal Mission Statement?

Some of you may argue that we already know our purpose and ambition, then what is the reason behind creating an official personal mission statement. Well, the answer to this is simple and logical.

If you are in the supermarket buying groceries and you don’t have a written list of items you want to buy, possibility is that you might forget buying one or two essential items.

In the same way, if you do not write down your principle goals and core values on a piece of paper, you may at a point lose the sight of your target.

Setting Core Values, Inspiration, Integrity and Personal Vision

Creation of a personal mission statement embarks you on the journey to self discovery. You get to know yourself by integrating various vistas of your life. Before writing a personal mission statement, you need to ask yourself a few questions like,

  • What are my various roles in life?
  • What brings me happiness and joy?
  • What are my personal values?
  • What are the things that bring me satisfaction?
  • What are the major goals I want to achieve?
  • What are the skills and talents I possess?
  • How much money I want to make?

Put the answers on a piece of paper and join them reasonably to give it the form of a personal mission statement.

Sample Personal Mission Statements

Here are a few examples of personal mission statements for you to get ideas from:

  • "To educate, motivate and enable myself and all those who know me to achieve self actualization and become everything that God destined us to be."
  • “I am a healthy person who has the wisdom to know what I can and cannot control in my life, and act accordingly.”
  • “Help the broke, lonely, down-trodden, desperate people of this world see that there is hope. To help them get on their feet and live respectable lives.”
  • “Accomplish excellence in whatever endeavor I choose for my life”
  • “To find my inner strength and overcome obstacles that hide my goals.



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